To Achieve Worldwide Trust with the Roland Standard

Each Piano is Assembled by Only One Person

Every Roland digital piano is carefully assembled one by one at the factory in Japan. We’ve adopted the “cell production system,” in which one person is responsible for assembling a product from start to finish, increasing efficiency and assuring pride in workmanship. The worker is assisted by the “digital cell production system,” where a PC display shows the proper assembly steps, preventing the picking of wrong parts or assembling parts in the wrong order. This digital device support also allows us to trace information about a particular instrument, telling us the factory in which it was built, when it was built, and who built it. All this and more goes into achieving Roland’s extraordinarily high standards of quality.

Girl Blowing Dandelion Drop of Dew on a Leaf Blue Sky with Scattered Clouds

Products That Comply with Strict Environmental Standards and That Are Safe for Music Fans Around the World

Roland is dedicated to producing high-quality, environmentally friendly products. We are actively engaged in environmental measures for our production processes and the components that go into our products. We have switched to parts that do not contain any substances restricted in the European Union’s RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances) directive, and this applies to all of our products, regardless of market country. Additionally, our printed circuit boards are all assembled using lead-free solder. We cannot be a part of the music products industry without a connection to the earth. In this spirit, Roland maintains a dedicated and continuous effort to be an environmentally aware company.